Generally, home remodeling Fairfax VA based as well as in other parts of the state, includes the installation of a patio door. A patio door is one that opens into the garden or onto the patio so as to extend your living space into the outdoors. There are various types of patio doors on the market, but the main thing …
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VA Home Improvement – Vinyl Siding vs. Wood Siding: Which One Should You Choose?
All over VA home improvement projects involve installing new siding on the exterior of the home. The dilemma that most homeowners have is deciding whether they should install vinyl siding or wood siding. One of the factors affecting the answer to this question for house renovation is the cost involved. Just about everyone wants affordable home remodeling but they do …
Read MoreImproving Your Virginia home
Homeowners across the state of Virginia who are looking to modify their home will be faced with a number of options as far as Virginia licensed contractors. There are so many general contractors in Virginia, and many of them are small and somewhat anonymous, in the sense that they have no reputation by which homeowners can go by as an …
Read MoreCommercial to Run During Upcoming Olympics
Checkout our 30 second commercial that will be running during the upcoming Olympics.
Read MoreHome Improvement Virginia – Bay and Bow Windows Expand Your Options
A house is, of course, not a two-dimensional object, but standard flat windows can make it seem that way. Instead of enhancing a home’s appearance and making it stand out from all of the others on the street, a row of common windows can give it a ho-hum appearance. But when it comes to innovation in home remodeling, Virginia homeowners …
Read MoreVA Home Improvement – Give Your Home the Finishing Touch with Trim & Accent Additions
Like a frame on a beautiful painting, new trim and accents on your home can add the right finishing touch and bring out the beauty of your newly remodeled home. The trim and accents can include several pieces and be designed or painted to match the existing color of your home or be a contrasting color to give it a …
Read MoreContractors in Virginia – What’s the Best Attic Insulation for Your Home?
If you’re worried about escalating home energy bills (and who isn’t?) one of the best ways to cut those costs is to insulate your attic. According to energy experts, nearly 45 percent of a home’s heat can be lost through an un-insulated attic. That lost heat can increase annual energy bills by almost 30 percent. When addressing energy concerns during …
Read MoreVirginia Contractor on Gutters: the Unsung Heroes of Home Trim Features
Gutters may be one of the least considered parts of the exterior of a house and yet they play one of the most important roles. When the weather is nice, they aren’t given much of a thought, but should a rain or snowstorm occur, they are pressed into action immediately and work to not only prevent damage to a home …
Read MoreContractors VA Based About Leaf Guard Gutters
A grove of lush, green trees around a home can be a beautiful thing, but it can also be a nuisance when fall arrives. As leaves begin to drop from the trees, they can accumulate in a home’s gutters and create a clog. That clog can cause water to build up and overflow, which itself can create a number of …
Read MoreRoofing Ventilation and Renovation Keeps Energy Costs Down Say Contractors in Virginia
Thanks to rising costs, most homeowners are working hard to keep their energy costs from going through the roof. And, ironically, this may be the best area for them to start. By making home improvement and remodeling changes to their roofing area, homeowners can begin to see substantial energy savings almost immediately. Elementary school science has taught most of us …
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