Virginia Home Remodeling – Choosing Window Trim That is Best for Your House

When an architect designs a home they have specific window trim in mind, but when a Virginia homeowner is looking to renovate their home, they often choose to consult with a professional and experienced contractor familiar with Virginia home remodeling. On exterior window trim, unless the homeowner chooses to paint every few years, aluminum or vinyl is chosen the most often.

A home improvement company that is experienced in Virginia home remodeling will not only help the homeowner determine which is the right material for their home but also the right design. To make the best appearance, window and door trim should provide an accent that blends in with the design and style of the house. The trim selected for the exterior windows should match the dentil molding and keep the design elements of the home somewhat linked together. Dentil molding is used to finish off a wall where it meet the soffit of the eaves.

When considering a home improvement VA contractors often recommend capping all of the exterior wood trim. This not only reduces the need for frequent painting but also provides protection for the wood. Ensuring no water can get under the cap, whether it is made of aluminum or vinyl, is an important part of the remodeling project and something every Virginia home remodeling contractor will take into consideration.
While vinyl is considered by some homeowners to be more durable, many home improvement and remodeling contractors will recommend aluminum since it can be formed to more closely match the original design. Today’s aluminum is available in many colors and some manufacturers have also embossed a design into the aluminum making it resemble wood.

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