Home Remodeling Virginia News – Patio Doors Make a Huge Difference to Your Home

Generally, home remodeling Fairfax VA based as well as in other parts of the state, includes the installation of a patio door. A patio door is one that opens into the garden or onto the patio so as to extend your living space into the outdoors. There are various types of patio doors on the market, but the main thing to consider is that the door you choose fits in with your exterior home remodeling plans as well as those on the inside of the home.

Q: Can a VA contractor install a sliding patio door?

A: If you check with any home remodeling service in Virginia you will find that whatever type of patio door you choose, the company will be able to send a professional installer to do the work for you. When it comes to home remodeling, Fairfax VA residents have sliding patio doors, those that pivot to open and those that open like regular door.

Q: Does only one side of the patio door open?

A: You can choose a patio door in which one side remains stable while the other opens if you wish. Generally only one side of the door opens for simple entering and exiting. When you want to open both doors to have a much larger space, there are bolts that you slide up or down to allow the other side of the door to swing outward. Door contractors will explain the pros and cons of each type of patio door so that you know which one would best suit your needs.

Q: Are screens built in the patio door?

A: Depending on the type of patio door you can install with home remodeling, Fairfax VA contractors have doors in which the screens are part of the overall door and others in which the screens can be taken out. These options are ones you will decide upon when you buy the door and is not the domain of home improvement contractors.

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